Electronics & Home Repairs
Repair Service From £16
Free Estimates Before Any Repairs Completed
( Optional Materials & Parts cost extra )
Appliance Repairs
Dyson Vacuum Cleaners,
Henry Vacuum Cleaners,
Washing Machines, Tumble Dryers, Electric Cookers, Microwave, Ovens,
Some Fridges freezers faults.
Electronics Repairs
Flat Screen TV, HiFi, VCR, DVD,
Freeview Recorders, Sound Bar.Speakers, Cd Players.
Computing Repairs
Most Computer Devices
Home Desktop PCs, Office PCs, Gaming PCs,
Laptops (Sorry no Apple) (nor any iMac or iPad 's)
Lamps & Lights
Fix Flickering Switches, Changing Bulbs, Ceiling Light Repairs. Replacement Cable on Table Lamps
Around The Home Repairs
Doors Repairs, Door Handles, Filling Cracks & Holes,
Levering Corners Floors,
Loose or Broken Fixtures & Fittings. Hanging Mirrors & Pictures + More.
Discontinued Services
SORRY I no longer offer or to do anything with the following:
Anything GAS, Apple, Miele, NEFF, Smeg.
Integrated Appliances, Dishwashers, smartphones
TVs with damage Screens, Touch Screen's
As these are not cost effective for me to repair.
DIY Disasters
Help In and Around Your Home Fixing Your DIY Disasters & Unfinished Projects.
Kitchen /Bathroom Repairs
Kitchen Cupboards, Draws, Doors, Cooker Hoods, Ceiling fans, Shelf's, Kitchen Units
Door Handles. Blocked Sinks, Fix Cracked Tiles, Flaky Paint, water stain's
Replacing Taps , Water Seal Around units